Maxwell Wang


Down below are the projects that I have worked on whether in an independent setting or within a group. Click on the pictures to learn more about each project!


A web application designed to introduce the UD CS for Social Good Website. Rewritten by developers Maxwell Wang and Cameron Thacker to improve the websites ui and keep on track with current events as well as showing current e-board members of the club.

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A phaser game which teaches people how to construct algorithms, and learning how to debug their program. Constructed with the phaser library, the game allows a multiplayer section, allows the player choose moves from a list given and that sprite executes those moves based on the commands given until the player dies, defeats the other player or the timer runs out.

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A web application designed to enable undergrad Computer Science students at the University of Delaware to be able plan out the courses they will take.

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A basic web-application description about React.js hooks. Implemented with some a basic example/demo of react hooks/state featuring some quality memes!

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Connectify, is a full-stack social media site where registered users can connect with other users based on interests, places and hobbies

You can view more on this devpost right here!View Devpost

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A simple Duck Clicking Game that is made in unity. This is my first attempt of learning unity and making sprites move.

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A small pi project demonstrating my assembly language skills in an assembly language class.

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A full stack application of a chess game. Users can select different themes such as pixel, professors and text. Users can register, log in, or even send friends an invite to play their game. Still a work in progress but will include other features such as leaderboard implementation and more.

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ML Poster

A machine learning project that uses a multi layer perceptron to predict age and match the gender from the age UTK dataset

The technologies used are, Google Colab, pandas, matplotlib, numpy, pytorch, opencv and sklearn

Originally our project was supposed to use a convolutional neural network for training our model, however given the time constraints for this project and troubleshooting existing errors, it was scrapped in favor of a multi layered perceptron.

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Blank Sudoku Board

An artificial intelligence project taking a Sudoku Board, utilizing AC-3 algortithm to solve a sudoku problem as well as leveraging backtracking algorithm to fill out a 4x4 or an 9x9 board and an heuristic, the minimum remaining values

The source code for this is not linked as the instructor will continue to utilize this project

Note some 9x9 puzzles may not be solved

Technologies involved are Flask and Python

You can read more about AC3 here which is the algorithm utilized for solving constraint problems

Arc Consistency
Youtube to Audio Converter

An python gui program used to convert youtube links into mp3 files. Upon starting the program, the user enters a youtube link and it converts the song into an mp3 file and allows the user to specify where to put the downloaded file.

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